Tuesday, November 16, 2010

10 Year Storm

I know its been a while since I last blogged.  I visited Hong Kong for business and then Michelle was in town for a weeks visit.  Additionally, my MAC crashed and so I had to take it into Apple for repair.  Hopefully will get it back soon and then will blog with photos from the past couple of weeks.

Had a nice visit with Michelle - although, after a VERY nice Fall... wouldn't you know it, but it rains for 8 STRAIGHT days the entire time she is here.  It stopped raining the day she left (about 6 hours later) and the weather is reporting that it was a 10 year rain storm.  Of course!  It was beautifully sunny yesterday with a nice forecast for the rest of the week.  Ugh!   We had fun though and now at least Michelle knows the "worst" weather she will see on any visit.  I mean, it won't be like that again for another 10 years!  And I plan to be LONG GONE by then!

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